Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31

Happy last day of July! I'm in Rome, Ny right now but later today, Fish and her family will be going up to Buffalo, NY to see their uncle (who messes with Fish a lot)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Fish and her family will be going on a 11-day vacation to Canada this week. Hopefully, they will be riding a famous boat in Niagara Falls called "The Maid of The Mist", which is full of passengers in raincoats because water always sprays the passengers of the boat. I will be sharing a raincoat with Fish (so I won't get wet). Fish's mom is saying that maybe they won't allow sock monkeys to pass the Canadian border, so I'll have to lay low. Pictures from Fish's camera will hopefully eventually be posted here on "Fred Says...".

Hugs and bananas (but mostly bananas!),


Happy belated b-day, Caramel! Hope you and Fish have a good time at the spy museum!

P.S. Take me and George with you!!!! I've wanted to be a spy to a banana salesman, of course!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Ok, so by the title of this post, you can tell that this post is about the current heat situation in the US. Ok, enough with the fancy words.

It's hot. Summer's supposed to be hot, right? Duh. I know what you're thinking. Actually, I know what you're not thinking. Sock monkeys don't usually leave their houses at all. Of course. But my mother, Mama Sock Monkey, had to run to the supermarket today to buy more bananas and of course, had to drive through a heat wave. Then she called me on the phone and complained how hot it was. Since I'm the oldest, she complains to me the most.


Dear Weather People,
Warm regards,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

LP-D's food name

As you all know, food names are a fun thing Fish and her friends like to do. There are two followers of this blog who have food names: Strawberry and Bacon. Fish's best friend, LP-D, who went to school with a dumb boy named Carrot (that is his food name) has recently received a food name, herself. It is Caramel. Speaking of Caramel, her birthday is coming up on the 24th. If it weren't for Fish, Caramel wouldn't have a sock monkey who happens to be Fred's brother and best friend!