Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pictures of Fred in Canada/ New York (more to come and not in order)

Here I am at Tim Horton's, which is kinda like a Canadian Dunkin' Donuts. They have them all over Canada and a few in New York.
Here I am, wearing Fish's sunglasses (don't I look cool?). I'm sitting in a chair at this cool and dumb hotel in Niagara, New York. What makes it stupid is the casino attached to it and what makes it cool is the atmosphere in the hallway. Lots of restaurants and a big fountain.
This is me in Rome, New York, sitting on a couch. We were just about to leave for Niagara that same day.

This is me in D.C., the first day of traveling. I am near the Macy's Mall.

1 comment:

  1. You weren't in DC, you were still in VA. That's why sock monkeys aren't allowed to drive cars. :D :D :D


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