Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's Almost Time

It's almost time! It's almost time! It's almost time! Time for what, you may ask.'s almost time for...........THE FOURTH OF JULY. It is being held on a Monday this year, one of the few Mondays we are actually looking forward to. Fish and her family (unless it rains) go to Washington D.C. near the Pentagon, to see the fireworks and they are spectacular!!!!! Fish will probably use her camera to video the fireworks. GO FIREWORKS! :) Most likely, Fish will take a picture of me in D.C. Happy counting!

Fred "The Sock Monkey" Banana (food name)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Vacation

Ah. Summer vacation. A perfect opportunity to kick back with a banana and relax. Fish (JC, but people should be aware of the food names. Some of her friends do not have food names so they will be called by their initials) has not been feeling so good but I hope she gets better.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Food names for some of JC's friends

Some of JC's friends (and family) have food names so here are some.....

SL=Coffee Bean
RW= Bacon
FC= Strawberry
LW= Cheese
A-MB= Pear
JB (not Justin Bieber)= Peaches
KS= Artichoke
SC= Chocolate
AC= Garlic
SL (Coffee Bean's brother)= Cheeseburger
SL (Coffee Bean's sister)= Popsicle

If any of JC's friends who are reading this and don't have a food name (and want one), please leave a comment saying what you would like to be called.

-Fred and Fish

Summer and bananas

Today is the summer solstice and the last day of school for JC, some call it: June 21st. I can smell summer in the atmosphere. Or maybe those are just bananas. Anyway, JC has a lot more time to spend at home with me and the chances are very high (or at least according to me) that she will have more time to give me bananas. OK, as you can see, I'm just trying to drop hints here so I'll make this clear: I WANT SOME BANANAS. HAVE I MADE MY POINT?