Monday, May 23, 2011

The Most Important Day of the Year

Today is JC's 12th birthday. That's nice.
But what's REALLY important about today is that today is the 1st anniversary of the day I moved in with JR.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome to Fred Says where we publish Fred's thoughts in a very short amount of time. My name is JC and I will be your tour guide for the few seconds you are taking from your life, to read this. View any of the posts and leave comments. There. You're done reading.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Open House

Today was Open House at the library. JC and her sister, SC and their dad AC did face paints. JC and SC also drew stuff with sidewalk chalk outside. Unfortunately, they did not draw any bananas. WHY NOT????????????

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

JC Is A Sore Loser

I'm glad she's feeling better, but how come she got so mad just because I beat her at Uno?
After all, she beats her mom at Uno all the time, and her mom doesn't throw her cards or anything.

She made me sleep in her mom's room last night. That would've been okay, except JC's dad snores.
And her mom didn't like it when I wanted to do the banana dance at 3AM. I mean, who wants to sleep all night?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Feel Better,JC!

My person JC has been sick the last couple of days. Her mom thinks it's a sinus infection and she has to go to the doctor today. I hope he gives her something that makes her feel better.

Saturday night JC had a bad fever and slept with her mom and I got to sleep with her too. I liked that. But last night when she wasn't feeling well and went in there she left me in her bed. I MISSED HER!

Get well, JC. Hope the doctor tells you that you need to eat some bananas--and share them with ME!

Sunday, May 1, 2011